
Journal Publications

  1. O’Reilly, GJ, Nafeh, AMB., & Shahnazaryan, D. (2023). Simplified tools for the risk assessment and classification of existing buildings. Procedia Structural Integrity, 44, 1744–1751. [PDF][Link]

  2. Nafeh, AMB., & O’Reilly, GJ (2023). Simplified pushover-based seismic risk assessment methodology for existing infilled frame structures. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. [PDF][Link]

  3. Nafeh, AMB., O’Reilly GJ (2022). Unbiased simplified seismic fragility estimation of non-ductile infilled RC structures. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 2022; 157: 107253. DOI: 10.1016/j.soildyn.2022.107253. [PDF][Link]

  4. Nafeh, AMB., Beldjoudi, H. Yelles, A., Monteiro, R. (2020). Development of a seismic social vulnerability model for northern Algeria, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 2020, 50: 101821. [PDF][Link]

  5. O’Reilly, GJ, Monteiro, R., Nafeh, AMB., Sullivan TJ, Calvi GM. (2020). Displacement-Based Framework for Simplified Seismic Loss Assessment. Journal of Earthquake Engineering 2020; 24(sup1): 1–22. DOI: 10.1080/13632469.2020.1730272. [PDF][Link]

  6. Nafeh, AMB., O’Reilly, GJ, Monteiro R. (2020). Simplified seismic assessment of infilled RC frame structures. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 2020; 18(4): 1579–1611. DOI: 10.1007/s10518-019-00758-2. [PDF][Link]

Conference Proceedings

  1. Nafeh, AMB., O’Reilly, GJ. Towards the assessment and risk classification of existing building typologies using storey-loss functions. ICASP14 - 14th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, Dublin, Ireland: 2023. [PDF][Presentation]

  2. Nafeh, AMB., O’Reilly GJ. Fragility function uncertainty quantification in infilled RC frame buildings. COMPDYN 2023 - 9th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Athens, Greece: 2023. [PDF][Presentation]

  3. O’Reilly, GJ, Nafeh, AMB., & Shahnazaryan, D. (2023). Simplified tools for the risk assessment and classification of existing buildings. Procedia Structural Integrity, 44, 1744–1751. [PDF][Presentation]

  4. O’Reilly, GJ, Nafeh, AMB.. Towards improved response quantification of existing infilled RC frames. 3rd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & Seismology, Bucharest, Romania: 2022. [PDF][Presentation]

  5. Nafeh, AMB., O’Reilly, GJ. Simplified Seismic Risk Assessment of Non-Ductile Infilled RC Frame Buildings. 3rd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & Seismology, Bucharest, Romania: 2022. [PDF][Presentation]

  6. O’Reilly, GJ., Shahnazaryan, D., Nafeh, AMB., Ozsarac, V., Sarigiannis, D., Dubini, P., et al. Utilization of a sensor array for the risk-aware navigation in industrial plants at risk of natech accidents. Proceedings of the ASME 2022 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference PVP2022, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA: 2022. [PDF][Presentation]

  7. Nafeh, AMB., O’Reilly, GJ. Accurate Collapse Capacity Quantification for Infilled RC Frame Buildings. COMPDYN 2021 - 8th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2021. DOI: 10.7712/120121.8658.18545. [PDF][YouTube][Presentation]

  8. Nafeh, AMB., O’Reilly, GJ., Monteiro R. Simplified Seismic Assessment of Infilled Reinforced Concrete Frames. 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan: 2021. [PDF][YouTube]


  1. ROSE Seminar: Simplified Approaches for the Seismic Risk Assessment of Non-Ductile Infilled RC Structures [Presentation][YouTube]

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